
Currently reading:

This is my second book by this author, I loved the first.
I've read about 75 pages, it's very good so far.

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The Princess Speaks.......Again

Thursday, March 18, 2004
It's moving day............
come visit me here for now.........royally speaking
i do hate to stay still for too long
see you there ;-)

so the princess declares 8:12 PM

Wednesday, March 17, 2004
I don't understand............
why this thing doesn't update in AOL. I have to go to MSN explorer to even read my own posts. Grump

so the princess declares 5:52 PM

Monday, March 15, 2004
Achy bones, sleeping late and silliness............
Yesterday I got up at 12:30. I was sorta bleah, so I went back to lie down for a few minutes before getting a shower, tea, etc. Bear was on the sofa or I probably would have just zoned there for a while - instead, I curled up in bed - and opened my eyes again 3 hours later. Oh, how silly is that? And then all I could do was giggle because I so totally slept all day. Good thing we didn't have any plans for the day.
Bear got some chain so we can hang the bird feeder I brought from the house. I'm quite excited about it, it's a squirrel-proof bird feeder that has this weighted bar, so when anything too heavy lands on it, it shuts and the evil squirrels can't get any food. But the little birdies can eat to their hearts' content. I like the little birdies. I don't like the evil squirrels. They have been banned from the kingdom on several occasions but they keep creeping back in.
Of course, the result of sleeping so late yesterday meant that I was wide awake for most of the night. I read for a while, and finally got to sleep around 6. I expect to finish my book today. I don't know what's up next, I'm thinking a Charles deLint - I got a new one of his on my last sojourn to Borders and it's calling my name.
And still no word from the evils about the cemetery plot. Does this mean that no one wants to use it?

so the princess declares 3:31 PM

Wednesday, March 10, 2004
But will she use it?............
Many years ago, my parents bought cemetery plots. At the time, I didn't expect that I would ever leave that area, or that I would ever find love. They bought three plots, one for each of them and one for me, just in case I kicked off before them. As my father put it, they had to have a place to put me where I wouldn't stink up the joint. (He was pretty funny sometimes, he wanted to be stuffed and left sitting in his favorite chair when he went, and actually had me call a friend who was studying taxidermy to find out how much it would cost. No, he wasn't serious, but he had them going for a while and it was a family joke, back when I had a family.) I'm telling you this story to tell you this one - today I got email from the attorney that the oldest evil had called him and told him that there was cemetery plot that wasn't listed as one of the assets of the estate. I couldn't help myself - I told him, she can use it anytime she wants. And I've been giggling all day.

so the princess declares 9:29 PM

Monday, March 08, 2004
"the time has come," the Walrus said, "to talk of many things"............
Oh, so many things to catch up on.
I got up at noon today - early for me, right? I got up because I couldn't get back to sleep and got tired of laying there. Bear was up and movin around and so I got up and went to the sofa. I was up most of the night being ill, I think I ate something that wasn't quite good or something, I dunno. I just know that my burger and fries didn't stay long enough to count as a dinner guest. So today I feel sort of out of sorts (if anyone has any extras lying about that you aren't using, could you send them my way please? thanks) I had plans for today, too. I was going to buy fabric and make curtains - or at least attempt to make them. I was looking for new ones in both Wally-world and Tarjay, and I'm sorry, I just refuse to pay $20 for a single panel. Nope, sorry, won't do it. But I guess that will wait till tomorrow. There's a nap coming up soon. The only decision is where shall I snooze, the sofa or the bed? The big old bed is looking real comfy .... and I'm thinking that's where I'll land.
No word from the evils. They probably won't get their letters till tomorrow, and I've decided that any questions (demands) will be referred to the attorney. That's what he gets paid for, after all.
Bear told me last night that I can plant some tomato plants by the shed! I'm quite terribly excited about this. I've never had a garden of my own and I think it's gonna be a lotta fun. And I LOVE tomatoes so I hope to grow really really huge and tasty ones and pig out all summer on them. ;-) I'm thinkin I might even sneak in a couple squash thingies - he hates em but I love em. ;-) And he won't mind, really. Now, if I put in broccolli, that might be another story.
This weekend I learned that one cannot, no matter how hard one tries, deep fry vitamins. ~~giggles~~ We keep the vitamins in the closet over the counter where we keep the Fry Daddy (which is Bear's favorite kitchen appliance.) For some reason, I always think that it's time to take my vitamins when he has the Fry Daddy fired up and the grease is all hot and liquid. I knew it was just a matter of time and the other night it finally happened. The vitamin bottle slipped out of my hand and landed in the grease. While trying really hard not to laugh, I'm going "Bear, Bear, vitamins, in the grease! Quick, quick!" Because you see, he had the spatula in his hand and I had nothing to fish them out with. He dashed across the kitchen and scooped them out - and when he realized that the cover was still on the bottle so there was really no damage done to anything, we both started to giggle. And then we giggled some more and then we laughed out loud. And the best part is, the vitamins are fine, heehee. (But I think it was the fries that made me sick, darnit.)

so the princess declares 4:30 PM

Friday, March 05, 2004
Everybody keep your fingers crossed, please............
I just got email from my attorney - the letters for the final settlement are going out to the evils today. I'm expecting the oldest one to kick up a fuss. Over what? Who knows, but she'll find something. Just because she's old and evil and has nothing better to do with her pathetic little life except torture me. With a wee bit of luck, and a whole lot of prayer, maybe there won't be too many problems and then I will never have to see her ugly face again.
Can you feel the love?

so the princess declares 3:24 PM

Well, of course I do............
crystal heart
Heart of Crystal

What is Your Heart REALLY Made of?
brought to you by Quizilla

I got this from Deb first and then from Sherry cuz I forgot to post it after I got it from Deb's site.

so the princess declares 3:20 PM

Wednesday, March 03, 2004
I have no one to blame but myself...........and maybe Erin............
The other night a friend of mine gave me a bunch of chocolates. There are Dove eggs, and mini Snickers, and mini 3 Musketeers, etc. I'm totally incapable of leaving them alone. And Bear has decided that it's a wonderful thing to buy me York Peppermint patties and of course, I can't leave them alone either. So tomorrow, when I can't lift me head off the pillow cuz I have a migraine, don't feel sorry for me, k? Well, actually, I'll like you all a lot more if you do, but you know that. Hee.
Today I did all the errands I had to do and came home and had lunch. It's now almost 6 and I still haven't made the bed. There's a good reason for that, actually, it's not laziness........I have to wash the quilt and the blankets so I'm not in any hurry to make the bed until that's done. Then I shall sit down and watch a couple of episodes of The Sopranos. I've become re-addicted to Guiding Light after many years of watching it and then not watching it. So I shall be watching that later too - I'm never home when it's on so I just tape it and watch later.
It's a tough life bein an unemployed princess. ;-)

so the princess declares 5:49 PM

Tuesday, March 02, 2004
I was thinking this morning about the comment I wrote under my current book. Impeccable taste, that's what the debster has. And that got me to thinkin. Is the opposite of "im"peccable - peccable?
(it's just too nice out and my brain has gone to sillyville)

so the princess declares 3:54 PM

Monday, March 01, 2004
.Hmmmm, maybe that's why no one ever signs?...........
I've just made the monumental discovery that my guest book doesn't work. Perhaps that's why no one ever signs it. I've been feeling a bit distraught - like no one loves me, sob. Now the truth has been revealed. So I shall be fixing that little problem later.
Yesterday I went for a walk. ~~ waves to Sean~~ nope, didn't go to the mall, went for a walk in the woods. It was wonderful. Took some pictures, which of course won't be very good, but I tried. There was this way cool tree with the neatest pattern, looked like a dryad (I think that's the right term) winding her way around it, clinging sort of to it. I had a wonderful time assigning personalities to the different trees and just listening to the quiet. It was a much needed respite from the stress of the evils, etc. Just thinking about it makes me feel calm again.

so the princess declares 3:16 PM

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